6 Tips for Moving Your Loved One into Assisted Living

Published On: July 29, 20237.5 min read

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We understand that asking an aging loved one to transition to an assisted living community can be a significant change. Most seniors prefer to stay in the familiarity of their own homes, surrounded by cherished memories and personal belongings. However, as their care needs increase, the safety, support, and social interaction provided by assisted living communities often become essential. This transition poses challenges for older adults and their family caregivers. Nevertheless, by following a few simple steps provided by the staff at Balfour Senior Living, you can help your loved one feel more at ease with the idea and embrace their new home.

1.Be Considerate When Downsizing

When downsizing your loved one into an assisted living community, it’s important to approach the process with thoughtfulness and understanding. Transitioning from a spacious family home to a smaller one-bedroom apartment or studio can be challenging, requiring the need to declutter and potentially store belongings. Sorting through personal items can be a time-consuming task that demands patience.

Begin the process by discussing with your loved one which possessions hold the most sentimental value to them. By incorporating some of these cherished items into their new assisted living space, offering to store certain belongings, or passing keepsakes on to other family members, you can help preserve their connection to their personal history. However, since space in their new home will likely be limited, it’s crucial to assure them that you will assist in storing or finding new homes for items they don’t use on a daily basis. This reassurance can help alleviate some of their concerns about parting with a significant portion of their belongings.

Approaching the downsizing process with empathy and actively involving your loved one in the decision-making can help them adjust to their new living arrangements while honoring their treasured possessions and memories.

2.Know What Makes Your Loved One Feel Fulfilled

When considering downsizing your loved one into an assisted living community, it’s important to identify what brings them fulfillment and happiness. Reflect on the things that bring them joy in their current home, regardless of size, and consider how to incorporate those elements into their new living space.

Understanding what brings your loved one a sense of fulfillment in life lets you prioritize incorporating those aspects into their assisted living environment. Whether it’s a cozy chair, maintaining their hospitable nature, or having a personal item that brings them comfort, these considerations can contribute to their overall well-being and sense of home in their new living arrangements.

3.Understand How They Feel

It’s essential to acknowledge that your perspective on transitioning your aging loved one into an assisted living community may differ from theirs. While you may view this change as a great opportunity that provides various benefits like nutritious meals, on-site care, social interactions, and transportation, your parent may perceive it as a significant loss. Even if they are moving from an older, deteriorating home to a sparkling new assisted living community, they are leaving behind a significant part of their past, which can evoke a sense of diminished independence.

Although many seniors recognize and appreciate the advantages that assisted living offers, the actual move can still be accompanied by mixed emotions. It’s important to be mindful of your loved one’s complex feelings throughout the entire process. Understanding and empathizing with their perspective can help you navigate the transition in a compassionate and supportive manner. Understanding how they feel will help alleviate some of the bittersweet feelings associated with this change and ensure their comfort and well-being during this significant life transition.

4.Decorate the Space to Their Liking

To effectively plan for your loved one’s new apartment, it’s crucial to take accurate measurements. This will provide a clear guide for deciding which belongings they can bring, what needs to be stored, given away, donated, or discarded, and what can be purchased anew. The aim is to create a personalized, functional, and cozy space where they can feel at home and comfortable.

When helping your loved one decorate their assisted living room, it’s important to prioritize their comfort and bring along items that hold sentimental value. If their favorite armchair is still in good condition, consider including it for their enjoyment while watching TV or reading. If there is enough space, allowing them to bring their own dresser from home can provide familiarity. Similarly, if there’s a cherished grandfather clock that has been in the family for years, try your best to find a suitable spot for it. Bringing these meaningful mementos from home can help ease the transition. However, it’s crucial to avoid overcrowding the space and arrange the furniture in a way that allows for easy navigation and movement. Striking the right balance between cherished items and a functional living space will contribute to their comfort and a sense of familiarity in their new environment.

Enhance the comfort of the main living areas by adding cozy elements like throw pillows, a quilt or blanket, and curtains, if feasible. Make sure your loved one has comfortable pillows and soft linens for their bed as well. Even if they express interest in acquiring new items, consider keeping a few of the old pieces that are still in good condition. You never know when your loved one might change their mind and prefer their old bedspread, so it’s wise to have it available for them. Incorporating familiar and comfortable touches allows you to create a welcoming and cozy atmosphere that reflects their personal preferences and helps them feel at home.

Your loved one may be excited about the opportunity to buy new bedding or furniture when transitioning to assisted living. A new couch, TV, cozy recliner, or fresh bedding set can symbolize a fresh beginning in their new home. While this may not be the case for everyone, if your mom or dad expresses a desire to purchase new items, it’s worth considering as long as the expenses are within reason. After all, it’s their home, and they should have the freedom to choose how it is decorated. Indulging their wishes can contribute to their sense of ownership and help them create a space that reflects their personal taste and style.

5.Involve Them in Decision Making

Sit down with them and have open and honest discussions about their thoughts, concerns, and desires. Take the time to explore different options together and visit various communities. This allows your loved one to see firsthand what each place has to offer and how well it aligns with their preferences and needs.

During these discussions and visits, actively listen to their input and consider their opinions. It’s crucial to empower them to have a sense of control and ownership over the decision. They should feel that their voice is heard and that their opinion matters. Additionally, encourage your loved one to express their specific needs and preferences for their new living arrangements. Ask questions about what amenities, activities, and services are important to them.

Remember, the goal is to make your loved one an active participant in the decision-making process rather than feeling like decisions are being made for them. This approach not only strengthens the bond between you and your loved one but also helps to create a smoother and more positive transition into assisted living.

6.Allow Them to Get Used to It

Avoid pressuring your loved one to immediately engage in activities and social events at their assisted living community. A good community will have a welcoming routine for new residents, but it may take them some time to adjust before fully embracing everything the community offers.

When talking to them, refer to their new apartment or room as their home. Assisted living apartments become homes for the residents who live there. Your goal is to help them feel a sense of belonging, so the way you speak, and your attitude can make a difference.

It’s important to understand that your loved one may go through a grieving process for the loss of their previous home and a perceived loss of independence. Don’t be disheartened if they express complaints about the community. Instead of expecting gratitude, treat them with respect and avoid rushing them into accepting and appreciating all the changes right away. Many older adults eventually come to realize that assisted living provides an environment that extends their independence and simplifies their daily life once they start getting involved and establishing new routines. Patience and understanding can go a long way in supporting their transition.

Ask Balfour Senior Living for More Information on Assisted Living in Louisville

At Balfour Senior Living, we treat all residents with a quality level of care and respect and ensure that each and every one of our residents feel at home at all times. At our retirement communities in Louisville, you can rest assured that your senior loved one will feel comfortable and at home. Get in contact with our staff to ask about assisted living in Louisville and to schedule your visit.


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Published On: July 29, 20237.5 min read

We understand that asking an aging loved one to transition to an assisted living community can be a significant change. Most seniors prefer to stay in the familiarity of their own homes, surrounded by cherished memories and personal belongings. However, as their care needs increase, the safety, support, and social interaction provided by assisted living communities often become essential. This transition poses challenges for older adults and their family caregivers. Nevertheless, by following a few simple steps provided by the staff at Balfour Senior Living, you can help your loved one feel more at ease with the idea and embrace their new home.

1.Be Considerate When Downsizing

When downsizing your loved one into an assisted living community, it’s important to approach the process with thoughtfulness and understanding. Transitioning from a spacious family home to a smaller one-bedroom apartment or studio can be challenging, requiring the need to declutter and potentially store belongings. Sorting through personal items can be a time-consuming task that demands patience.

Begin the process by discussing with your loved one which possessions hold the most sentimental value to them. By incorporating some of these cherished items into their new assisted living space, offering to store certain belongings, or passing keepsakes on to other family members, you can help preserve their connection to their personal history. However, since space in their new home will likely be limited, it’s crucial to assure them that you will assist in storing or finding new homes for items they don’t use on a daily basis. This reassurance can help alleviate some of their concerns about parting with a significant portion of their belongings.

Approaching the downsizing process with empathy and actively involving your loved one in the decision-making can help them adjust to their new living arrangements while honoring their treasured possessions and memories.

2.Know What Makes Your Loved One Feel Fulfilled

When considering downsizing your loved one into an assisted living community, it’s important to identify what brings them fulfillment and happiness. Reflect on the things that bring them joy in their current home, regardless of size, and consider how to incorporate those elements into their new living space.

Understanding what brings your loved one a sense of fulfillment in life lets you prioritize incorporating those aspects into their assisted living environment. Whether it’s a cozy chair, maintaining their hospitable nature, or having a personal item that brings them comfort, these considerations can contribute to their overall well-being and sense of home in their new living arrangements.

3.Understand How They Feel

It’s essential to acknowledge that your perspective on transitioning your aging loved one into an assisted living community may differ from theirs. While you may view this change as a great opportunity that provides various benefits like nutritious meals, on-site care, social interactions, and transportation, your parent may perceive it as a significant loss. Even if they are moving from an older, deteriorating home to a sparkling new assisted living community, they are leaving behind a significant part of their past, which can evoke a sense of diminished independence.

Although many seniors recognize and appreciate the advantages that assisted living offers, the actual move can still be accompanied by mixed emotions. It’s important to be mindful of your loved one’s complex feelings throughout the entire process. Understanding and empathizing with their perspective can help you navigate the transition in a compassionate and supportive manner. Understanding how they feel will help alleviate some of the bittersweet feelings associated with this change and ensure their comfort and well-being during this significant life transition.

4.Decorate the Space to Their Liking

To effectively plan for your loved one’s new apartment, it’s crucial to take accurate measurements. This will provide a clear guide for deciding which belongings they can bring, what needs to be stored, given away, donated, or discarded, and what can be purchased anew. The aim is to create a personalized, functional, and cozy space where they can feel at home and comfortable.

When helping your loved one decorate their assisted living room, it’s important to prioritize their comfort and bring along items that hold sentimental value. If their favorite armchair is still in good condition, consider including it for their enjoyment while watching TV or reading. If there is enough space, allowing them to bring their own dresser from home can provide familiarity. Similarly, if there’s a cherished grandfather clock that has been in the family for years, try your best to find a suitable spot for it. Bringing these meaningful mementos from home can help ease the transition. However, it’s crucial to avoid overcrowding the space and arrange the furniture in a way that allows for easy navigation and movement. Striking the right balance between cherished items and a functional living space will contribute to their comfort and a sense of familiarity in their new environment.

Enhance the comfort of the main living areas by adding cozy elements like throw pillows, a quilt or blanket, and curtains, if feasible. Make sure your loved one has comfortable pillows and soft linens for their bed as well. Even if they express interest in acquiring new items, consider keeping a few of the old pieces that are still in good condition. You never know when your loved one might change their mind and prefer their old bedspread, so it’s wise to have it available for them. Incorporating familiar and comfortable touches allows you to create a welcoming and cozy atmosphere that reflects their personal preferences and helps them feel at home.

Your loved one may be excited about the opportunity to buy new bedding or furniture when transitioning to assisted living. A new couch, TV, cozy recliner, or fresh bedding set can symbolize a fresh beginning in their new home. While this may not be the case for everyone, if your mom or dad expresses a desire to purchase new items, it’s worth considering as long as the expenses are within reason. After all, it’s their home, and they should have the freedom to choose how it is decorated. Indulging their wishes can contribute to their sense of ownership and help them create a space that reflects their personal taste and style.

5.Involve Them in Decision Making

Sit down with them and have open and honest discussions about their thoughts, concerns, and desires. Take the time to explore different options together and visit various communities. This allows your loved one to see firsthand what each place has to offer and how well it aligns with their preferences and needs.

During these discussions and visits, actively listen to their input and consider their opinions. It’s crucial to empower them to have a sense of control and ownership over the decision. They should feel that their voice is heard and that their opinion matters. Additionally, encourage your loved one to express their specific needs and preferences for their new living arrangements. Ask questions about what amenities, activities, and services are important to them.

Remember, the goal is to make your loved one an active participant in the decision-making process rather than feeling like decisions are being made for them. This approach not only strengthens the bond between you and your loved one but also helps to create a smoother and more positive transition into assisted living.

6.Allow Them to Get Used to It

Avoid pressuring your loved one to immediately engage in activities and social events at their assisted living community. A good community will have a welcoming routine for new residents, but it may take them some time to adjust before fully embracing everything the community offers.

When talking to them, refer to their new apartment or room as their home. Assisted living apartments become homes for the residents who live there. Your goal is to help them feel a sense of belonging, so the way you speak, and your attitude can make a difference.

It’s important to understand that your loved one may go through a grieving process for the loss of their previous home and a perceived loss of independence. Don’t be disheartened if they express complaints about the community. Instead of expecting gratitude, treat them with respect and avoid rushing them into accepting and appreciating all the changes right away. Many older adults eventually come to realize that assisted living provides an environment that extends their independence and simplifies their daily life once they start getting involved and establishing new routines. Patience and understanding can go a long way in supporting their transition.

Ask Balfour Senior Living for More Information on Assisted Living in Louisville

At Balfour Senior Living, we treat all residents with a quality level of care and respect and ensure that each and every one of our residents feel at home at all times. At our retirement communities in Louisville, you can rest assured that your senior loved one will feel comfortable and at home. Get in contact with our staff to ask about assisted living in Louisville and to schedule your visit.

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